DWR的学习-dwr convert的作用

前端之家收集整理的这篇文章主要介绍了DWR的学习-dwr convert的作用前端之家小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。



Converters are an integral part of DWR and are responsible for marshaling data between the client and the server. You must specify a converter for:

  1. The Java return type of Java methods you have exposed to DWR. In order to return a JavaScript object that can be used by the browser DWR needs to know how to marshal the Java return type into a JavaScript object.
  2. The Java parameter type of all parameters of Java methods you have exposed to DWR. In order to properly call the Java method DWR needs to know how to marshal the JavaScript object being passed from the browser into the appropriate Java object.

从上面的文字可以知道,在客户端和服务器,无论是return type和parameter type上,都存在转换的问题,这样就更加凸显转换器的作用。

2.基本转换器(Basic Converters)的使用:

The converters for primitives,strings and simple objects like BigDecimal are all there waiting for you. Youdon'tneed a<convert ...>element in the<allow>section in dwr.xml to use them - They are enabled by default.

The types enabled by default include:boolean,byte,short,int,long,float,double,char,java.lang.Boolean,java.lang.Byte,java.lang.Short,java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Long,java.lang.Float,java.lang.Double,java.lang.Character,java.math.BigInteger,java.math.BigDecimal and java.lang.String

使用基本类型转换器不需要再在<allow>中使用<convert.../>元素来标识,它自己默认启用了。同时,上面的文档也列举了Basic Converters所能支持的类型:boolean、byte、short、int、long、float、double、char、java.lang.Boolean、java.lagne.Byte、java.lang.Short、java.lange.Integer、java.lang.Logn、java.lang.Float、java.lang.Double、java.lang.Character、java.math.BigInteger、java.math.BigDecimal以及java.lang.String。

3.日期转换器(Date Converter)的使用:

The Date converter marshalls between a Javascript Date and ajava.util.Date,java.sql.Date,java.sql.Timesorjava.sql.Timestamp. As with the basic converters above,the DateConverter is enabled by default.

If you have a string (e.g. "01 Jan 2010") in Javascript,that you wish to turn into a Java Date then you have 2 options: Parse it in Javascript usingDate.parse()and then pass it to the server using DWR's DateConverter,or pass it as a String and then parse it in Java using a SimpleDateFormat (or something similar).

On the other hand,if you have a date in Java which you wish to display in a usable form in HTML,then you can either transfer it as a string after using a DateFormatter on it,or transfer as a Date and then use Javascript to format it. The first option is probably easier although it does mean messing around with your converted objects,and it's doing something that it strictly view logic further from the browser. The latter option is better really and there are utilities to help you.


如果你有一个js的string(比如 2010-01-01),需要转换成一个Java的Date类型,默认提供了两种方法:在js中使用Date.parse()方法,把它解析成js的Date类型,然后由DWR的DateConverter来负责转换成Java的Date对象。或者直接将string传递到服务器端,然后在服务器端使用SimpleDateFormat转换成Date对象。


4.对象转换器(Bean and Object Converters)的使用

Two converters that are not enabled by default are the Bean and Object converters. They will convert Java Beans and POJOs to and from JavaScript objects. These converters are not enabled by default because DWR makes sure that is has permission before it exposes any of your classes.

DWR默认是关闭Bean converter和Object converter这两种converter的,因此使用这两个转换器必须要显示的通过文档调用才可以的。


Beans converted using the BeanConverter need to follow theJavaBeans specbecause the converter usesIntrospectionand notReflection. This means things like having properly named getters and setters where there is a single parameter to the setter which matches the return type of the getter. The setter should return void,the getter should not have any parameters and there is no overloading of setters. Mostly this is common sense,but it does trip some people up. If your class does not follow the Java Bean specification then you need the ObjectConverter.

Object converter和Bean converter是很相似的,都是负责完成Java对象和js对象之间的转换。但是Object转换器相对来说强大一点,因为他是使用reflection(反射)来访问Java对象的属性,即Object转换器用于转换普通Java对象(该Java对象并未为每个属性提供setter和getter方法)。而Bean转换器就是通过setter和getter来访问Java对象的属性


<!-- 对mwj.Mwj类使用Bean转换器-->

<convert convertor="bean" match="mwj.Mwj"/>



<convert convertor="bean" match="mwj.*"/>//这种方法将同时用Bean转换器把mwj包下的所有类进行转换。


<convert convertor="bean" match="*"/>//这种方法可以同时用Bean转换器把该应用中的所有类都转换。


public class Remoted {
public void addToFriends(Person p) {
// ...


public class Person {

private String name;//文档的例子没有这些的,我补上去是为了规范化的JavaBean。

private int age;//文档的例子没有这些的,我补上去是为了规范化的JavaBean。

public void setName(String name) { ... }


public String getName() { ... }
public void setAge(int age) { ... }


public int getAge() {... }
// ...


var p = { name:"Fred",age:21 };//用JSON格式创建了一个js对象。明显这是一个Person的对象。


<convert converter="bean" match="com.example.Person">
<param name="exclude" value="property1,property2"/>//黑名单法则,不转换property1、2。


public class Person


private String name;

public Person(String name){





<convert converter="object" match="com.example.Person">

<!-- 指定force=“true”,强制使用反射访问私有属性。-->

<param name="force" value="true"/>



<convert converter="bean" match="com.example.Person" javascript="Person"/>


public class Employee extends Person{

public void setEmployee(Employee emp){... }



<convert converter="bean" match="com.example.Employee" javascript="Employee"/>


var person=...// 从服务器返回一个Employee类的对象

person instanceof Employee// 毫无疑问,结果为true

Remoted.addToFirends(person);// 前面的例子可以看出Remoted只能接受Person类参数,但是现在可以接受Employee,那就证明了一点,Employee是Person的子类。


var person1 = new Employee();

var person2 = new Person();

person1instanceof Employee;//true

person2 instanceof Employee;//false

person1 instanceof Person;//fasle(unexcepted)

person2 instanceof Person;//true


Employee.prototype = new Person();//prototype的继承模式,Employee的prototype属性执行Prototype对象。

Employee.prototype.constructor = Employee;//Prototype对象的constructor属性指向一个Constructor对象,而这个Constructor对象恰好就是这个函数自己。


person1 instanceof Employee;//true

5.数组转换器(Array Converters)的使用

The array entries are less obvIoUs. By default DWR marshalls arrays of all primitive types as well as arrays of all marshallable objects,which by default includes String and Date as noted prevIoUsly.


6.集合类型转换器(Collection Converters)的使用



<convert convertor="collection" match="java.util.Collection"/>

<convert convertor="map" match="java.util.Map"/>


There is no way of knowing the underlying type of the collection just using reflection. So the 2 converters above can convert from any collection to something meaningful in JavaScript,however there is no way to know what sort of Collection to converttogoing the other way.






The signatures section is used to enable resolution of the types stored in Collections when specific generic types are not being used.


public class Check {
public List<?> setLotteryResults(List<?> whatDoIContain)
{ ... }


<![CDATA[ import java.util.List;
import com.example.Check;
Check.setLotteryResults(List<Integer> nos); ]]>


