html5uploader 一个js就搞定问题了(基于jqurey)。
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.html5uploader.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#dropBox,#multiple").html5Uploader({ name: "foo",postUrl: "bar.aspx" }); }); </script> <div id="dropBox"></div> <input id="multiple" type="file" multiple>下面给出的是参数:
name: upload field identifier.
postUrl: the url to post the file data.
onClientAbort: Called when the read operation is aborted.
onClientError: Called when an error occurs.
onClientLoad: Called when the read operation is successfully completed.
onClientLoadEnd: Called when the read is completed,whether successful or not. This is called after either onload or onerror.
onClientLoadStart: Called when reading the data is about to begin.
onClientProgress: Called periodically while the data is being read.
onServerAbort: Called when the post operation is aborted.
onServerError: Called when an error occurs.
onServerLoad: Called when the post operation is successfully completed.
onServerLoadStart: Called when posting the data is about to begin.
onServerProgress: Called periodically while the data is being posted.
onServerReadyStateChange: A JavaScript function object that is called whenever the readyState attribute changes. The callback is called from the user interface thread.
onSuccess: Called when the post operation is successfully completed,the ReadyState is 4 and the HttpStatus is 200. Useful to get back informations from the server.