<%= link_to 'click here','/some_path',class: 'special-link',remote: true %>
$(document).on 'ajax:success','.special-link',(e,data,status,xhr) -> # Code that has some effect on the DOM as a function of the server response
describe 'my library',-> beforeEach -> MagicLamp.load('fixture') # Fixture library that injects the link above to the DOM jasmine.Ajax.install() jasmine.Ajax.stubRequest('/some_path').andReturn({ responseText: 'response that is supposed to trigger some effect on the DOM'}) afterEach -> jasmine.Ajax.uninstall() # Works. The fixtures are loading properly it '[sanity] loads fixtures correctly',-> expect($('.special-link').length).toEqual(1) # Works. The jquery-ujs correctly triggers an ajax request on click it '[sanity] triggers the ajax call',-> $('.special-link').click() expect(jasmine.Ajax.requests.mostRecent().url).toContain('/some_path') # Works. Code that tests a click event-triggering seems to be supported by Jasmine it '[sanity] knows how to handle click events',-> spy = jasmine.createSpy('my spy') $('.special-link').on 'click',spy $('.special-link').click() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() # Does not work. Same code from above on the desired `ajax:success` event does not work it 'knows how to handle ajax:success events',-> spy = jasmine.createSpy('my spy') $('.special-link').on 'ajax:success',spy $('.special-link').click() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled()