chr1 1000 2000 gene1
chr1 3000 4000 gene2
chr1 5000 6000 gene3
chr1 1000 2000 gene4
因为基因通常由外显子的不同排列构成,所以在多个基因中具有相同的外显子(参见第一组和第四组).我想删除这些“重复” – 即删除gene1或gene4(不重要的是哪一个被删除).
这是我尝试过的完全无功能的循环. “外显子”数组将每一行存储为标量,因此子程序.不要笑.我知道它不起作用,但至少你可以看到(我希望)我正在尝试做的事情:
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @exons; $i++) { my @temp_line = line_splitter($exons[$i]); # runs subroutine turning scalar into array for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar @exons_dup; $j++) { my @inner_temp_line = line_splitter($exons_dup[$j]); # runs subroutine turning scalar into array unless (($temp_line[1] == $inner_temp_line[1]) && # this loop ensures that the the loop ($temp_line[3] eq $inner_temp_line[3])) { # below skips the identical lines if (($temp_line[1] == $inner_temp_line[1]) && # if the coordinates are the same ($temp_line[2] == $inner_temp_line[2])) { # between the comparisons splice(@exons,$i,1); # delete the first one } } }
my @exons = ( 'chr1 1000 2000 gene1','chr1 3000 4000 gene2','chr1 5000 6000 gene3','chr1 1000 2000 gene4' ); my %unique_exons = map { my ($chro,$scoor,$ecoor,$gene) = (split(/\s+/,$_)); "$chro $scoor $ecoor" => $gene } @exons; print "$_ $unique_exons{$_} \n" for keys %unique_exons;
chr1 1000 2000 gene4 chr1 5000 6000 gene3 chr1 3000 4000 gene2