Read a file (containing data about Atoms) from the command line & create an array of atom records (one record/atom per newline). For each record the program will need to store:
• The atom’s serial number (cols 7 – 11)
• The three-letter name of the amino acid to which it belongs (cols 18 – 20)
• The atom’s three coordinates (x,y,z) (cols 31 – 54 )
• The atom’s one- or two-letter element name (e.g. C,O,N,Na) (cols 77-78 )>提示三个命令之一:频率,长度,密度d(d是某个数字):
• freq – how many of each type of atom is in the file (example Nitrogen,Sodium,etc would be displayed like this: N: 918 S: 23
• length – The distances among coordinates
• density d (where d is a number) – program will prompt for the name of a file to save computations to and will containing the distance between that atom and every other atom. If that distance is less than or equal to the number d,it increments the count of the number of atoms that are within that distance,unless that count is zero into the file. The output will look something like:
1: 5
2: 3
3: 6
… (very big file) and will close when it finishes.我正在寻找下面代码中我写的(并且需要写)的反馈.我特别感谢有关如何编写我的潜艇的任何反馈.我在底部包含了示例输入数据.
$^W = 1; # turn on warnings use strict; # behave! my @fields; my @recs; while ( <DATA> ) { chomp; @fields = split(/\s+/); push @recs,makeRecord(@fields); } for (my $i = 0; $i < @recs; $i++) { printRec( $recs[$i] ); } my %command_table = ( freq => \&freq,length => \&length,density => \&density,help => \&help,quit => \&quit ); print "Enter a command: "; while ( <STDIN> ) { chomp; my @line = split( /\s+/); my $command = shift @line; if ($command !~ /^freq$|^density$|length|^help$|^quit$/ ) { print "Command must be: freq,length,density or quit\n"; } else { $command_table{$command}->(); } print "Enter a command: "; } sub makeRecord # Read the entire line and make records from the lines that contain the # word ATOM or HETATM in the first column. Not sure how to do this: { my %record = ( serialnumber => shift,aminoacid => shift,coordinates => shift,element => [ @_ ] ); return\%record; } sub freq # take an array of atom records,return a hash whose keys are # distinct atom names and whose values are the frequences of # these atoms in the array. sub length # take an array of atom records and return the max distance # between all pairs of atoms in that array. My instructor # advised this would be constructed as a for loop inside a for loop. sub density # take an array of atom records and a number d and will return a # hash whose keys are atom serial numbers and whose values are # the number of atoms within that distance from the atom with that # serial number. sub help { print "To use this program,type either\n","freq\n","length\n","density followed by a number,d,\n","help\n","quit\n"; } sub quit { exit 0; } # truncating for testing purposes. Actual data is aprox. 100 columns # and starts with ATOM or HETATM. __DATA__ ATOM 4743 CG GLN A 704 19.896 32.017 54.717 1.00 66.44 C ATOM 4744 CD GLN A 704 19.589 30.757 55.525 1.00 73.28 C ATOM 4745 OE1 GLN A 704 18.801 29.892 55.098 1.00 75.91 O
>使用警告而不是$^ W = 1启用警告.前者是自我记录的,并且具有封闭块的本地优势而不是全局设置.
while (my $input_record = <DATA>){ }
my $record = makeRecord(@fields); push @recs,$record if $record->{type} =~ /^(ATOM|HETATM)$/;
use strict; use warnings; run(); sub run { my $atom_data = load_atom_data(); print_records($atom_data); interact_with_user($atom_data); } ... sub interact_with_user { my $atom_data = shift; my %command_table = (...); while (1){ print "Enter a command: "; chomp(my $reply = <STDIN>); my ($command,@line) = split /\s+/,$reply; if ( $command =~ /^(freq|density|length|help|quit)$/ ) { # Run the command. } else { # Print usage message for user. } } } ...