sub uniqify($) { my $timestamp = shift; state $last_ts = -1; state $next_letter = 'A'; if ($timestamp == $last_ts) { $timestamp .= $next_letter++; } else { $last_ts = $timestamp; $next_letter = 'A'; } return $timestamp; }
我正在一起解决一个问题,但这真的很难看,很难看.从Perl翻译成Python应该有相反的效果,对吧? :)所以我提供这是对SO用户的挑战.你能使它成为一个优雅的Python函数吗?
this answer for a robust method to convert a number to an alphanumeric id
from string import uppercase as up import itertools def to_base(q,alphabet): if q < 0: raise ValueError( "must supply a positive integer" ) l = len(alphabet) converted = [] while q != 0: q,r = divmod(q,l) converted.insert(0,alphabet[r]) return "".join(converted) or alphabet[0] class TimestampUniqifier( object ): def __init__(self): self.last = '' self.counter = itertools.count() def __call__( self,str ): if str == self.last: suf = self.counter.next() return str + to_base( suf,up ) else: self.last = str self.counter = itertools.count() return str timestamp_uniqify = TimestampUniqifier()
timestamp_uniqify('1') '1' timestamp_uniqify('1') '1A' timestamp_uniqify('1') '1B' timestamp_uniqify('1') '1C' timestamp_uniqify('2') '2' timestamp_uniqify('3') '3' timestamp_uniqify('3') '3A' timestamp_uniqify('3') '3B'
for i in range(100): print timestamp_uniqify('4') 4 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 4I 4J 4K 4L 4M 4N 4O 4P 4Q 4R 4S 4T 4U 4V 4W 4X 4Y 4Z 4BA 4BB 4BC 4BD 4BE 4BF 4BG 4BH 4BI 4BJ 4BK 4BL 4BM 4BN 4BO 4BP 4BQ 4BR 4BS 4BT 4BU 4BV 4BW 4BX 4BY 4BZ 4CA 4CB 4CC 4CD 4CE 4CF 4CG 4CH 4CI 4CJ 4CK 4CL 4CM 4CN 4CO 4CP 4CQ 4CR 4CS 4CT 4CU 4CV 4CW 4CX 4CY 4CZ 4DA 4DB 4DC 4DD 4DE 4DF 4DG 4DH 4DI 4DJ 4DK 4DL 4DM 4DN 4DO 4DP 4DQ 4DR 4DS 4DT 4DU