但是,我没有在Log4perl手册中找到有关如何在运行时从配置文件初始化其他appender的文档. http://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Log4perl::Appender引用了一个add_appender方法,但它适用于实例化的appender对象而不是conf文件.它也没有定义记录器对象和logger-> appender关系.
my $foo = Foo->new() ## Checks Log::Log4perl::initialized(),sees that it ## hasn't been initalized yet,inits Log4perl from foo.conf my $bar = Bar->new() ## Checks Log::Log4perl::initialized(),sees that it ## has been initalized. Adds appenders and loggers defined ## in bar.conf into the initialized configuration
编辑:使用包变量的Probalem是这只是一个Moose角色被各种类消耗,几乎只是MouxX :: Role ::参数化版本的以太在Making self-logging modules with Log::Log4perl的答案.因此,我的记录器正在编写到库中消耗它,我没有一个全局变量,我每次使用它都可以工作.
如果我在MooseX :: Role :: Parameterized角色块之外声明一个全局变量,那么每个使用该角色的类都会使用相同的conf变量吗?
您可以记住已加载的配置文件(下面的代码中有%log_configs哈希值).当新类到达时,您可以重新读取所有配置,将它们合并在一起并使用字符串引用参数再次初始化Log :: Log4perl到init.
package Logger; use Moose::Role; use Log::Log4perl; our %log_configs = (); around BUILDARGS => sub { my $orig = shift; my $class = shift; my $config_name = lc($class) . '.conf'; # if the config is not integrated yet if(! defined $log_configs{$config_name}) { $log_configs{$config_name} = 1; # reload all configs including new one my $config_text = ''; for my $file (sort keys %log_configs) { $config_text .= "\n" . do { local $/; # slurp unless(open my $fh,"<",$file) { warn "$file could not be open\n"; ''; } else { <$fh> } }; } # refresh config Log::Log4perl::init(\$config_text); } return $class->$orig(@_); }; package Foo; use Moose; with 'Logger'; use Log::Log4perl ':easy'; sub BUILD { ERROR 'Foo reporting'; } package Bar; use Moose; with 'Logger'; use Log::Log4perl ':easy'; sub BUILD { INFO 'Bar reporting'; } package main; my $foo = Foo->new; my $bar = Bar->new;