在玩我的Perl 6模块Chemisty::Elements时,我遇到了一个我没想到的Exception问题.
use v6; subset ZInt of Cool is export where { state ( $min,$max ) = <1 120>; ( $_.truncate == $_ and $min <= $_ <= $max ) or warn "Z must be between a positive whole number from $min to $max. Got <$_>." }; sub foo ( ZInt $Z ) { say $Z } try { CATCH { default { .^name.say } } foo( 156 ); }
Z must be between a positive whole number from 1 to 120. Got <156>. in block at zint.p6 line 5
Z must be between a positive whole number from 1 to 120. Got <156>. in block at zint.p6 line 5
但是,当我宁愿人们知道这是一个类型错误时,我得到X :: AdHoc类型.
我检查了没有警告会发生什么,并再次得到X :: AdHoc:
subset ZInt of Cool is export where { state ( $min,$max ) = <1 120>; ( $_.truncate == $_ and $min <= $_ <= $max ) };
subset ZInt of Cool is export where { state ( $min,$max ) = <1 120>; ( $_.truncate == $_ and $min <= $_ <= $max ) or X::TypeCheck.new.throw; };
Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context
Any of .^name,.perl,.gist,or .say can stringify undefined things,if needed.
subset ZInt of Cool is export where { state ( $min,$max ) = <1 120>; ( $_.truncate == $_ and $min <= $_ <= $max ) or fail "Z must be between a positive whole number from $min to $max. Got <$_>." };
我相信这是你的意图.没有你自己的异常也没关系,但是X :: TypeCheck中有一个bug.它应该要么“操作”要么提供合理的默认,就像它“得到”和“预期”一样.
subset ZInt of Cool is export where { state ( $min,$max ) = <1 120>; ( $_.truncate == $_ and $min <= $_ <= $max ) or fail X::TypeCheck.new( operation => "type check",expected => ::('ZInt'),got => $_,); };