我没有在perldoc system
注意:问题是关于这里的基本CORE Perl,没有autodie或任何其他具有类似效果的自定义模块.此外,假设没有设置ALRM信号,或者任何其他自定义信号处理程序.
我假设Perl 5. *的所有版本都表现相同,但如果没有,则可以理解与5.8相关的答案.
来源:PP(pp_system)代码块中的Perl 5.16.2(也检查5.8.8),文件:pp_sys.c,行:4224:
if (n != sizeof(int)) DIE(aTHX_ "panic: kid popen errno read,n=%u",n);
DIE是在util.c中声明的Perl_die(pTHX_ const * pat,…)
根据文件,“恐慌:孩子popen errno读”意味着“分叉的孩子返回了一个关于其错误的难以理解的消息”.
Explanation of panic
messages in Perl:
The convention is that when the interpreter dies with an internal error,the message starts “panic: “. Historically,many panic messages had been terse fixed strings,which means that the out-of-range values that triggered the panic are lost. Now we try to report these values,as such panics may not be repeatable,and the original error message may be the only diagnostic we get when we try to find the cause.