我有一个封装Int的类Price.我也希望它有Num和Str的构造函数.我认为我可以通过使Price :: new成为具有各种类型约束的多方法来实现这一点,但这不是我期望的行为.看起来Price.new正在完全跳过构造函数并直接进入BUILD,绕过了构建逻辑.
我知道通过查看其他Perl 6代码,使用multi方法new是可以接受的.但是,我还没有找到具有不同类型约束的多态构造函数的示例.如何重写此代码以强制它在构造函数中使用转换逻辑?
LIB / Price.pm6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6 -w use v6; unit class Price:ver<0.0.1>; class X::Price::PriceInvalid is Exception { has $.price; method message() { return "Price $!price not valid" } } # Price is stored in cents USD has $.price; multi method new(Int $price) { say "Int constructor"; return self.bless(:$price); } multi method new(Num $price) { say "Num constructor"; return self.new(Int($price * 100)); } multi method new(Str $price) { say "String constructor"; $price .= trans(/<-[0..9.]>/ => ''); unless ($price ~~ m/\.\d**2$/) { die(X::Price::PriceInvalid(:$price)); } return self.new(Num($price)); } submethod BUILD(:$!price) { say "Low-level BUILD constructor" } method toString() { return sprintf("%.2f",($!price/100)); }
吨/ price.t
#!/usr/bin/env perl6 -w use v6; use Test; use-ok 'Price','Module loads'; use Price; # test constructor with Int my Int $priceInt = 12345; my $priceIntObj = Price.new(price => $priceInt); is $priceIntObj.toString(),'123.45','Price from Int serializes correctly'; # test constructor with Num my $priceNum = Num.new(123.45); my $priceNumObj = Price.new(price => $priceNum); is $priceNumObj.toString(),'Price from Num serializes correctly'; # test constructor with Num (w/ extra precision) my $priceNumExtra = 123.4567890; my $priceNumExtraObj = Price.new(price => $priceNumExtra); is $priceNumExtraObj.toString(),'Price from Num with extra precision serializes correctly'; # test constructor with Str my $priceStr = '$123.4567890'; my $priceStrObj = Price.new(price => $priceStr); is $priceStrObj.toString(),'Price from Str serializes correctly'; # test constructor with invalid Str that doesn't parse my $priceStrInvalid = 'monkey'; throws-like { my $priceStrInvalidObj = Price.new(price => $priceStrInvalid) },X::Price::PriceInvalid,'Invalid string does not parse'; done-testing;
PERL6LIB的输出= lib / perl6 t / price.t
ok 1 - Module loads Low-level BUILD constructor ok 2 - Price from Int serializes correctly Low-level BUILD constructor not ok 3 - Price from Num serializes correctly # Failed test 'Price from Num serializes correctly' # at t/price.t line 18 # expected: '123.45' # got: '1.23' Low-level BUILD constructor not ok 4 - Price from Num with extra precision serializes correctly # Failed test 'Price from Num with extra precision serializes correctly' # at t/price.t line 24 # expected: '123.45' # got: '1.23' Low-level BUILD constructor Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '⏏\$123.4567890' (indicated by ⏏) in method toString at lib/Price.pm6 (Price) line 39 in block <unit> at t/price.t line 30
:( Int $) :( Num $) :( Str $)
:( :price($) )
proto method new (|) {*}
proto method new ($) {*}
multi method new (Int :$price!){…}
multi submethod BUILD (Int :$!price!) { say "Int constructor"; } multi submethod BUILD (Num :$price!) { say "Num constructor"; $!price = Int($price * 100); } multi submethod BUILD (Str :$price!) { say "String constructor"; $price .= trans(/<-[0..9.]>/ => ''); unless ($price ~~ m/\.\d**2$/) { die(X::Price::PriceInvalid(:$price)); } $!price = Int($price * 100); }
unit class Price:ver<0.0.1>; class X::Price::PriceInvalid is Exception { has $.price; method message() { return "Price $!price not valid" } } # Price is stored in cents USD has Int $.price is required; method price () { $!price / 100; # return a Rat } # Real is all Numeric values except Complex multi submethod BUILD ( Real :$price ){ $!price = Int($price * 100); } multi submethod BUILD ( Str :$price ){ $price .= trans(/<-[0..9.]>/ => ''); unless ($price ~~ m/\.\d**2$/) { X::Price::PriceInvalid(:$price).throw; } $!price = Int($price * 100); } method Str() { return sprintf("%.2f",($!price/100)); }