它一直用在Stack Overflow上,但我真的不理解它,也不能让它工作.然而,它似乎是一个非常好的测试工具.
如何让脚本在__DATA__下面的所有内容中读入文件句柄?我尝试了几种方法来阅读它,而不是在外部文件上添加.数据是合法的,它来自AutoSys JIL文件中的作业定义.
#!/efs/dist/perl5/core/5.10/exec/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my ( $job,$machine,$command,@line_stat ); #these 4 lines below do not read in data to filehandle #my $data = do { # local $/; # <DATA>; #} ; my $data = <DATA>; # does not work either open( my $fh,'<:encoding(UTF-8)',$data ) or die "Could not open file '$data' $!"; my $count = 0; while ( my $line = <$fh> ) { #chomp $line; if ( $line =~ /\/\* -{17} \w+ -{17} \*\// ) { $count = 1; } elsif ( $line =~ /(alarm_if_fail:)/ ) { $count = 0; } elsif ( $count ) { if ( $line =~ m/insert_job: (\w+).*job_type: CMD/ ) { push( @line_stat,$1 ); } elsif ( $line =~ m/command:(.*)/ ) { push( @line_stat,$1 ); } elsif ( $line =~ m/machine:(.*)/ ) { push( @line_stat,$1 ); } } } foreach my $line_wot ( @line_stat ) { print "$line_wot\n"; } __DATA__ /* ----------------- COME_AND_PLAY_WITH_US_DANNY ----------------- */ insert_job: COME_AND_PLAY_WITH_US_DANNY job_type: CMD command: /bin/bash -pwd machine: capser.com owner: twins permission: foo,foo date_conditions: 1 days_of_week: mo,tu,we,th,fr start_times: "04:00" description: "Forever,and ever and ever" std_in_file: "/home/room217" std_out_file: "${CASPERSYSLOG}/room217.out" std_err_file: "${CASPERSYSLOG}/room217.err alarm_if_fail: 1 profile: "/autosys_profile" timezone: US/Eastern /* ----------------- COME_AND_PLAY_WITH_US_AGAIN_DANNY ----------------- */ insert_job: COME_AND_PLAY_WITH_US_AGAIN_DANNY job_type: CMD command: /bin/bash -ls machine: capser1.com owner: twins permission: foo,and ever and ever" std_in_file: "/home/room217" std_out_file: "${CASPERSYSLOG}/room217.out" std_err_file: "${CASPERSYSLOG}/room217.err alarm_if_fail: 1 profile: "/autosys_profile" timezone: US/Eastern /* ----------------- NEVER_PLAY_WITH_US_AGAIN_DANNY ----------------- */ insert_job: NEVER_PLAY_WITH_US_AGAIN_DANNY job_type: CMD command: /bin/bash -rm * machine: capser2.com owner: twins permission: foo,and ever and ever" std_in_file: "/home/room217" std_out_file: "${CASPERSYSLOG}/room217.out" std_err_file: "${CASPERSYSLOG}/room217.err alarm_if_fail: 1 profile: "/autosys_profile" timezone: US/Eastern
while (my $line = <DATA>) { ... }