在调用BUILDARGS时,我很难正确使用MooseX :: Declare.
我正在尝试创建一个对象作为文件的接口. (具体来说,我想要一个二进制文件的接口,让我可以查看文件中的下几个字节,然后将它们关闭以进行进一步处理.)
my $f = binary_file_buffer->new( $file_name );
while( my $block_id = $f->peek( $id_offset,$id_length ) ) { $block_id = unpack_block_id( $block_id ); $munge_block{ $block_id }->( $f->pop( $block_size[ $block_id ] ) ); }
use MooseX::Declare; class binary_file_buffer { use FileHandle; use Carp; has _file => ( is => 'ro',isa => 'FileHandle' ); has _file_name => ( is => 'ro',isa => 'Str' ); has _buff => ( is => 'rw',isa => 'Str',default => '' ); method BUILDARGS ( Str $file_name ) { my $file = FileHandle->new( $file_name ); carp "unable to open $file_name : $!" unless defined $file; $file->binmode; return ( _file_name => $file_name,_file => $file,); } # get the next n bytes from the buffer. method pop ( Int $len ) { # ... Make sure there is data in _buff return substr( $self->{_buff},$len,'' ); } # Look around inside the buffer without changing the location for pop method peek ( Int $offset,Int $len ) { # ... Make sure there is data in _buff return substr( $self->{_buff},$offset,$len ); } }
问题是,我在BUILDARGS声明中使用关键字方法.因此,MooseX :: Declare需要一个binary_file_buffer对象作为BUILDARGS的第一个参数.但是BUILDARGS获取传递给new的参数,因此第一个参数是字符串a’binary_file_buffer’,即包的名称.因此,它在使用new创建对象时无法进行类型检查并死亡,就像我在第一个代码片段中所做的那样. (至少那是我对正在发生的事情的理解.)
Validation Failed for 'MooseX::Types::Structured::Tuple[MooseX::Types::Structured::Tuple[Object,Str,Bool],MooseX::Types::Structured::Dict[]]' Failed with value [ [ "binary_file_buffer","drap_iono_t1.log",0 ],{ } ],Internal Validation Error is: Validation Failed for 'MooseX::Types::Structured::Tuple[Object,Bool]' Failed with value [ "binary_file_buffer",0 ] at C:/bin/perl/site/lib/MooseX/Method/Signatures/Meta/Method.pm line 445 MooseX::Method::Signatures::Meta::Method::validate('MooseX::Method::Signatures::Meta::Method=HASH(0x2a623b4)','ARRAY(0x2a62764)') called at C:/bin/perl/site/lib/MooseX/Method/Signatures/Meta/Method.pm line 145 binary_file_buffer::BUILDARGS('binary_file_buffer','drap_iono_t1.log') called at generated method (unknown origin) line 5 binary_file_buffer::new('binary_file_buffer','drap_iono_t1.log') called at logshred.pl line 13
MooseX :: Declare有没有办法跳过$self创建,或类似的东西?
我这样做是正确的MooseX :: Declare方式吗?或者我错过了什么?