my $rarr; $rarr->[0][0] = 'S'; $rarr->[0][1] = 'MD'; $rarr->[1][0] = 'S'; $rarr->[1][1] = 'PRP'; my $crulesref; $crulesref->[0] = $rarr; check_rule('aa',0); if($rarr->[3][0] == 'M'){ # just check a not existing element print "m\n"; } check_rule('bb',0); if($rarr->[5][0] == 'M'){ # again: just check a not existing element print "m\n"; } check_rule('cc',0); sub check_rule($$) { my ($strg,$ix) = @_; my $aref = $crulesref->[$ix]; my $rule_size = @$aref; {print "-----$strg aref:$aref rs:$rule_size aref:'@$aref'\n"; for(my $t1 = 0; $t1 <$rule_size; $t1++){ print "t1:$t1 0:$aref->[$t1][0] 1:$aref->[$t1][1]\n"; } } }
en@en-desktop ~/dtest/perl/forditas/utf8_v1/forditas/test1 $perl v15.pl -----aa aref:ARRAY(0x90ed8c8) rs:2 aref:'ARRAY(0x9106cac) ARRAY(0x9106d24)' t1:0 0:S 1:MD t1:1 0:S 1:PRP m <-------------- finds the non existing -----bb aref:ARRAY(0x90ed8c8) rs:4 aref:'ARRAY(0x9106cac) ARRAY(0x9106d24) ARRAY(0x9107508)' t1:0 0:S 1:MD t1:1 0:S 1:PRP t1:2 0: 1: <-- undesired dummy due to inquiry t1:3 0: 1: <-- undesired dummy due to inquiry m <-------------- finds the non existing -----cc aref:ARRAY(0x90ed8c8) rs:6 aref:'ARRAY(0x9106cac) ARRAY(0x9106d24) ARRAY(0x9107904) ARRAY(0x9107508) ARRAY(0x910e860)' t1:0 0:S 1:MD t1:1 0:S 1:PRP t1:2 0: 1: <-- undesired dummy due to inquiry t1:3 0: 1: <-- undesired dummy due to inquiry t1:4 0: 1: <-- undesired dummy due to inquiry t1:5 0: 1: <-- undesired dummy due to inquiry
autovivification.如果您只需要检查就可以访问$ref-> [3] [0]的内存:
if ($ref->[3][0] eq 'M' )
然后,首先$ref-> [3]必须存在才能检查其元素编号为零,因此它是通过自动生成创建的.您需要首先检查$ref-> [3]是否存在或是否已定义以避免创建它.
if (defined($ref->[3]) && $ref->[3][0] eq 'M')
use strict; use warnings;
Argument "M" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at ... Use of uninitialized value in numeric eq (==) at ...
if子句在此处给出误报,因为字符串’M’被转换为数字(0),因为数字相等运算符==强加了上下文. LHS值为undef,也会转换为数字(0),这就是表达式求值为true的原因.