如何将IStream(C ++)转换为System :: IO :: Stream(c#),反之亦然

我有2个库,一个是c ++,另一个是c#。

C ++库的名称-> LibA

C#-> LibB的名称


  1. Serialize->序列化API将使用给定的输入生成IStream作为输出。
  2. Deserialize-> Deserialize API将IStream作为输入并反序列化流并从中获取实际数据。
#pragma once
struct GPosition
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
struct GUnitVector
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
struct GLine
    GPosition m_rootPoint;    /* Point on the line,should be in region of interest */
    GUnitVector m_direction;    /* Gradient */
    double m_start;        /* Parameter of start point,must be <= m_end */
    double m_end;          /* Parameter of end point */

class GraphicSerializer

    GUID objectID;

    uint32_t aspectID;
    uint32_t controlflag;
    vector<const GLine *> geomVector;

    void Serialize(IStream &pStream);
    void Deserialize(IStream* pStream);


  1. Object GetObjectFromStream(Stream s)->将流作为输入并反序列化并返回Objects
  2. PutToDB(Object A)->将给定的对象持久保存到DB
  3. Stream GetStreamFromObject(Object a)->将对象作为输入序列化并返回。
  4. Object GetFromDB(objectID)->根据ID从数据库获取对象
public class CommonBase
        public Guid id { get; set; };
        public byte[] Bytes { get; set; } //contains aspect,control flag,vec<GLine>

    public interface IGraphicRepository
        CommonBase Get(Guid guid);
        bool Put(CommonBase graphic);

    public static class GraphicStreamUtility
        public static CommonBase getcommonBaseFromStream(Stream stream);
        public static void SerializeCommonBaseToStream(CommonBase obj,Stream stream);

现在,我正在编写C ++ / CLI,以使用libA在libB中生成的流,反之亦然。这样我就可以持久地从数据库中检索对象。

任何人都可以让我知道如何将IStream转换为.Net Stream和将.Net流转换为IStream。

yanhong123456 回答:如何将IStream(C ++)转换为System :: IO :: Stream(c#),反之亦然

Stream^ CGDMStreamCLI::ConvertIStreamToStream(IStream *pStream)
    ULARGE_INTEGER ulSize{};
    size_t size = ulSize.QuadPart;
    auto buffer = std::make_unique<char[]>(size);
    ULONG numRead{};
    HRESULT hr = pStream->Read(buffer.get(),size,&numRead);

    if (FAILED(hr) || size != numRead)
        throw std::exception("Failed to read the stream");

    cli::array<Byte>^ byteArray = gcnew cli::array<Byte>(numRead+2);

    // convert native pointer to System::IntPtr with C-Style cast

    return gcnew System::IO::MemoryStream(byteArray);
